Bilingual Studies

A day at OMV

Together with our MCA teachers Prof. Kunauer and Ms. Leaf we visited the company OMV on the 13th November 2014. We had received an invitation to ‘A day at OMV’ where we would be informed about the company.

When we arrived there, we received a warm welcome. Then we were split into different groups and heard several presentations about the different controlling related departments.

There was a lunch break where we had the chance to talk to employees of OMV while enjoying snacks that were provided for us.

After the presentations, there was a little quiz about the knowledge we had acquired. In the end our group won by one point. The prize took us all by surprise; it was tickets for the “Vierschanzentournee”. Therefore all eight members of our group were able to go to Bischofshofen for the final of the tournament on 7th January 2015.

Already on the way to Bischofshofen we made the acquaintance of a lot of nice people that were also going to the tournament. We had a very good view of the ski-jumping hill and the atmosphere was magnificent. The highlight of the day was when the Austrian athlete, Michael Hayböck, won, and Stefan Kraft the overall winner of the “Vierschanzentournee 2014/15” made third place.

We want to express our gratitude to the OMV team that enabled us to spend a day at OMV and have this amazing experience at Bischofshofen. We especially want to thank them for rescheduling the day at OMV in order for us to come and still be back at school on time to take our German exams.

Spirit of Nations

Bundeshandelsakademie und Bundeshandelsschule,
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