Seoul meets IBC-:
Seoul meets IBC-:
On Tuesday, 25 of January, we were pleased to welcome Ji-Young Kim, Hyun-Chong Kim, Min-Hye Lee and Hee-Kyeong Jeong, four elementary school teachers from Seoul, Republic of Korea and their interpreter, as well as MR Dr. Günther Pfaffenwimmer at IBC.
They were sent to find out about eco-schools and their objective was to inform themselves about ways to protect the environment in school.
As we are a certified ÖKOLOG and Umweltzeichen school, our guests were informed by two presentations of the certification process and the criteria that have to be met.
Our Korean guests were very enthusiastic about our efforts in saving the environment and appreciated the little tour through our school very much.
We hope that they liked their visit at our school and maybe there is a chance for a reunion!
Victoria Tichy 3BBIK
Kristina Goliasch 3BBIK