• International Business College

  • ibc hetzendorf: Spirit of Nations

  • international and sustainable

  • innovative, creative and social

  • your school - ibc hetzendorf

Die englische ÜFA „Amadeus Cooking“ hat den gleichen Ablauf wie die „normale“, Übungsfirma. Der Unterschied besteht darin, dass es in der englischen Version keine Abteilung Rechnungswesen gibt und ausschließlich Englisch gesprochen wird.

Es werden Bestellungen aufgegeben, Ein- und Verkäufe getätigt und die dazugehörigen Zahlungen bargeldlos durchgeführt. Jährlich findet die österreichische Übungsfirmenmesse in Wien statt. Die zweite Messe findet – auch einmal jährlich – in New York statt, an welcher die SchülerInnen der englischen ÜFA teilnehmen. Es erfolgt somit ein „Schüleraustausch“. Die SchülerInnen finanzieren nur den Flug. Untergebracht werden sie bei Lehrern oder Schülern. Die Reise wird von den Schülern organisiert.

From September 2014 to April 2015, fourteen students from the fourth year prepared for the International Trade Fair in New York City. They designed a menu, catalogue, homepage, flyers and invoices for their practice firm Amadeus Cooking, which sells Austrian specialties in the form of menus. For the trade show they also collected everything needed to decorate and ready their booth.

On 10 April 2015 the group went to New York where they had the chance to see the city and attend the Global Business Challenge. The Global Business Challenge involved solving a case study about Victorinox, Swiss Army. It included preparation of a SWOT-Analysis, a marketing mix and a market penetration strategy within a two hour time-limit and presentation of solution. Over 300 students from all over the world were divided into 30 teams and had to quickly adapt in order to work effectively and synergistically together. The teams who placed first and second included our students Astrid Hirschfeld and André Bandi.

On 15 April the students faced their final challenge – the International Trade Show. There they had to compete with 153 other schools from different countries and sell their products. Our students used Austrian sweets and the Austrian costumes “Trachten” as their USP. Customers could take a photograph with our “Trachtenpaar” and later find it on the social network Facebook. The Amadeus Cooking team made a sensational total sale of $ 173,428.50 in only a few hours.

We visited the Austrian Consul Dr. Waltraud Dennhardt-Herzog, New York to hear a discussion about Austrians and their businesses in New York and the services the Consulate provides to the Austrian population in New York. In the spare time students had the chance to go sightseeing. These visits included: viewing the sunset from the Empire State Building, a bus tour through Uptown, the Ground Zero Memorial, the Metropolitan Museum, the Times Square, the Central Park and much more.

The whole Group would like to thank Ms. Daniela Haslauer and Ms. Marla Le Pichon for being their supervisors on this trip!


ÜFA, Freigegenstände

The Business College („ibc“) was founded in the 1970's as a public commercial school as well as a public commercial academy in the 12th district of Vienna. At present ibc employs about 150 teachers and has a student enrollment of about 1,600.

ibc hetzendorf distinguishes itself through modern technology, practical instruction, environmental awareness and promotion of health. Additionally, an international business culture is a key element which is promoted through numerous projects and, especially, the bilingual-HAK course of study.

How do I find my my way around the new school building?

Each room number describes precisely where the room is located. One can read the floor and building from a room’s number.

Spirit of Nations

Bundeshandelsakademie und Bundeshandelsschule,
BHAK und BHAS für Berufstätige Wien 12
Schulkennzahl: 912458

Hetzendorfer Straße 66 – 68
1120 Wien
Tel.: (+43 1) 804 35 79
eMail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: www.ibc.ac.at

Die Schule ist mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln sehr gut erreichbar:

  • Straßenbahn Linie 62
  • Schnellbahnlinien S2, S3 und S4
  • Buslinien 16A und 64B