• International Business College

  • ibc hetzendorf: Spirit of Nations

  • international and sustainable

  • innovative, creative and social

  • your school - ibc hetzendorf

Unser "Tag der offenen Tür 2022" is in the books ?

Wir danken über 1.000 Besucher*innen für ihr Interesse ? Und wir danken unseren über alle Maßen engagierten Schüler*innen, Lehrer*innen und dem best Organisationsteam ever ??

Was da dieses Jahr gelungen ist, war eine Meisterleistung ?

20221111 124740
20221111 124752
20221111 124855
20221111 124939
20221111 124959
20221111 125227
20221111 125617
20221111 131407
20221111 131409
20221111 131423
20221111 132426
20221111 132440
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20221111 132533
20221111 133358
20221111 133406
20221111 133508
20221111 133705
20221111 134441
20221111 134631
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20221111 135531
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20221111 135958
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20221111 141739
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20221111 143117
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20221111 150134(0)
20221111 151141
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20221111 151207
20221111 153105
20221111 154631
20221111 154633
20221111 155055

Tag der offenen Tür

The Business College („ibc“) was founded in the 1970's as a public commercial school as well as a public commercial academy in the 12th district of Vienna. At present ibc employs about 150 teachers and has a student enrollment of about 1,600.

ibc hetzendorf distinguishes itself through modern technology, practical instruction, environmental awareness and promotion of health. Additionally, an international business culture is a key element which is promoted through numerous projects and, especially, the bilingual-HAK course of study.

How do I find my my way around the new school building?

Each room number describes precisely where the room is located. One can read the floor and building from a room’s number.

Spirit of Nations

Bundeshandelsakademie und Bundeshandelsschule,
BHAK und BHAS für Berufstätige Wien 12
Schulkennzahl: 912458

Hetzendorfer Straße 66 – 68
1120 Wien
Tel.: (+43 1) 804 35 79
eMail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: www.ibc.ac.at

Die Schule ist mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln sehr gut erreichbar:

  • Straßenbahn Linie 62
  • Schnellbahnlinien S2, S3 und S4
  • Buslinien 16A und 64B