Teilnahme ausnahmslos nach Anmeldung per E-Mail (rwozelka@ibc-vienna.at) bis spätestens 1 Woche vor dem Termin. Bitte geben Sie Namen, aktuelle Klasse sowie das Semester an, für welches Sie antreten möchten. Anmeldungen sind verbindlich!
The Business College („ibc“) was founded in the 1970's as a public commercial school as well as a public commercial academy in the 12th district of Vienna. At present ibc employs about 150 teachers and has a student enrollment of about 1,600.
ibc hetzendorf distinguishes itself through modern technology, practical instruction, environmental awareness and promotion of health. Additionally, an international business culture is a key element which is promoted through numerous projects and, especially, the bilingual-HAK course of study.
How do I find my my way around the new school building?
Each room number describes precisely where the room is located. One can read the floor and building from a room’s number.