
Während des Schuljahres unternehmen unsere Schüler*innen eine große Anzahl spannender Exkursionen, Ausflüge und Reisen.

3BK and 3NK English Language Trip

In April we went to Brighton, England, for an English language week. Our school was a typical English school building with small rooms and steep stair cases.

During the week we went to four classes a day where we had the great chance to improve our language skills extensively. One of our teachers was very strict and made us work very hard on grammar and vocabulary. We would have liked to play less-competitive games and improve our pronunciation even more.

The weekend excursions to Portsmouth (Spinnaker Tower, old war ships, free time for shopping) and London (Buckingham Palace, London Eye, Trafalgar Square, Big Ben, Madame Tussaud’s, Abercrombie & Fitch, river cruise on the Thames, Tower Bridge) were very interesting. We got to see the sights of Brighton, namely the Brighton Pavilion and the Brighton Pier. We also got to attend two greyhound races where some of our students over age 18 were lucky winners. One afternoon we went to Lewes and visited the Norman Lewes Castle. Everybody should see that.

We stayed with host families, and in every host family there were two or three students. Most families were nice and friendly, they talked a lot with us and therefore it was a good experience to get to know a new culture. The breakfasts were very sweet and the dinners were mostly delicious.  Most houses were rather spacious and nicely furnished.

Besides our excursions we also had time to go shopping, to see the beach, to go bowling and to meet our friends at various places. We all had a lot of fun and the class has become a lot closer. The last night our teachers went to a discotheque with us and forced us to go home at midnight although we would have liked to stay much longer.

In conclusion, we recommend that every class should go on a language trip, to improve their English and to get an idea of the country, the people and the culture. Taking part in such a trip also helps the students to become independent.

Written by 3BK

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